Generating income on the internet previously demands that you own a website or a blog, have a product to sell and some marketing abilities in order to break even online. But with time lots of things have changed online, great business models have been developed, hence making money online without spending a dime is now a reality and easily possible too. You don't have to be an internet genius or have extra ordinary marketing skills for you to make money online with this business models.

I have taken my time to gather together a list of business ideas which I feel would be useful to you, this list was put together basically with the sole aim of helping you make money online, so none of the links included in this list are affiliate links and none of them have paid me to be included in the list. These are basically business models which have worked for a lot of people and I am sure you will definitely make some good bucks trying out these ideas.

You can act as a recruiting agent helping to recruit or link prospective employers with employee, a lot of people are unemployed while those who are employed are looking for better jobs. The people who know these qualified candidates are paid for referring them to companies who hire them, your rewards for acting as a link range from $50 and up to $2000 or even more, this is a great way to earn income online without spending a dime. Sites like,,, and are good sites to start-up from.
ACT AS LINK BETWEEN SUPPLIERS AND BUYERS Suppliers set the referral fees they are willing to pay and for what, once transaction occurs you get paid, Sites like, and provide referral services and a way to track business transactions.
GET PAID TO WRITE ARTICLES ONLINE Do you love writing, then this is a great opportunity for you to get paid writing articles or blog posts online, sites like,, and will "pay for performance" based on page views for just about anything you want to write about. Articles on specific topics can earn payment of about $200 or more, the amount might not be great, but it is certainly a good way to start from, if you are looking for a means to earn residual income online.
CREATE YOUR OWN BLOG It is not compulsory that you own a website or bother yourself on how to do the advertising for your blog, all you are required to do is to get a free blog at you can easily set up a blog for free in less than five minutes without knowing a single code about web designing or HTML. At blogger your Adsense Ads are automated once it is set-up, you earn money when visitors to your blog click on the Ads placed on your blog and you can earn a reasonable amount depending on the volume of traffic you are able to generate for your blog.
ADVERTISE OTHER PEOPLE'S PRODUCT ON YOUR BLOG If you already have a website or a blog, look for advertisers that offer related products and see if they have an affiliate program. Stick to the popular products and brands, they are quicker and easier to sell. To promote those products, place the product banners, text links or HTML links on your blog or website. All the links do work, but it just simply depends on how much time you have to spend on it and your level of expertise with Web design and marketing. You can start-up from these sites,, and
EARN A LIVING FROM PHOTOGRAGHY You don't have to be a professional photographer to sell your photos online, a lot of pictures are being downloaded daily from the internet, and people are consistently looking for stock of photography for their websites, brochures and for some other purpose. Internet surfers generally search for images on stock photography sites by using keywords, not by the photographer's name, so when you upload your pictures online you have the same opportunity of making money from your pictures online like any one else. But you have to be careful so that you don't upload images of trademarked brands, copyrighted art or people's faces that are easily identifiable, aside this slight restriction you can upload the picture of just about anything online. Some sites to get you started include,, and The wonderful thing about this is that it's truly a "set it and forget it" situation, you continue earning whenever any of your photography online is downloaded.
This list might not be exhaustive, but it will help you start-up something tangible online, it shows that you can make some money online even without being an internet genius or having extra ordinary marketing skills.

Obodo Charles has been online since 2004 and earns a living working on the internet, he has succeeded in helping a lot of people discover many ways on how to make money on the internet and earn a living working online, for more incisive and absolutely free information on how to make money online please visit his blog at

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