Walking with Crutches
This a typical method if your doctor has told you to avoid ALL weight bearing on your injured foot or leg. You will need sufficient strength in your upper body to support all your weight with just your arms and shoulders. (Yes, tiring.)
1. Begin in a tripod position, with your crutches slightly out in front and to the side of each foot (4-6 inches). Keep all of your weight on your good foot.
2. Keep the crutches close to your body under each arm. Your hands should be on the handgrips, your thumbs inside and other fingers wrapped around.
3. Advance the crutch tips and affected leg forward a short, but comfortable stepping distance.
4. Step forward with your good leg to a comfortable position in front of the crutches. Carry your weight with your arms, shoulders, and crutches.
5. You've taken a step! Awesome! Now take another, and another, and another. . .
• Pay attention to the surface your are on. If it is uneven, icy, snowy, covered in wet leaves, slippery, or crumbling, you will need to choose carefully where you place your crutches and your good foot.
• Your crutches should work fine on wet pavement or concrete, as long as they have their rubber tips attached. However, if you come indoors with wet crutch tips, dry them before you proceed. Some indoor surfaces can be extremely slippery.
• Do not attempt to walk with crutches if you are dizzy or drowsy.
• Wear well-fitted, low-heel shoes.
• If you go too fast, you could crash and hurt yourself.
• Don't put any weight on your injured foot or leg if your doctor has so advised.
• Call your doctor if you have any questions or difficulties.
Crutch Buddies presents this educational reference as a public service and for informational purposes only. The material is derived from current medical knowledge. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
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